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P. 105

THE INTERNET | UNIT-5                                                   TEST – 1

          1.                                              5.
                                                               •   A secret word or combination of letters
                                                                   and numbers: _____
                                                               •   A computer program that you can use to
                                                                   find everything on the Internet: _____

                        Noah                                   •   Part of a computer showing pictures,
              Which of the following is WRONG about Noah?          videos and words: _____                   VOCABULARY TEST
              A)  He comments on his friends’ photos.
                                                              Which of the following expressions DOES NOT
              B)  He confirms friend requests from people.    have a definition?
              C)  He downloads his favorite songs.            A)  Search engine      B)  Screen

              D) He sends his emails with an attachment.      C)  Account            D) Password

                        I have a friend at school named
                        Barbara. She is an Internet
                        addict. She accesses to the       6.   Here are some people’s purposes of using the
                        Internet for about six hours a        Internet:
                        day.                                    -  I look for new recipes and cooking tips.
                                                                -  I  check my bank accounts and pay my bills.
              Which of the following words has the SAME         -  I improve my foreign language via my tablet.
              meaning with the underlined word?               Which picture is NOT related to the list above?

              A)  uploads           B)  connects         OMAGE  A)                   B)
              C)  pretends          D) researches

          3.   Which picture-word pair is WRONG?
              A)             B)
                                                              C)                     D)
                 reply             log out
              C)             D)

                con rm          web browser

          4.   James : Hey, Bob. Would you like to chat
                      online at the weekend?              7.   1- Check       a- a software
              Bob   : I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have some     2- Join         b- notifications
                      connection problems. My Internet
                      isn’t working _____ at the moment.      3- Subscribe    c- online games
                                                              4- Update       d- a vlog
              Which of the following is suitable to complete
              the gap?                                        Choose the best option to match the two parts.
              A)  properly          B)  carefully             A)  1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c   B)  1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
              C)  generally         D) moderately             C)  1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b   D) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a

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