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THE INTERNET | UNIT-5                                                   TEST – 1

          1.                                              3.        Martin’s Internet Habits On Weekday
                                                                MON     TUE     WED     THUR      FRI
                    RULES FOR BEING SAFE ONLINE
                                                               Chatting  Practicing  Following   Visiting   Doing
                    *  Be careful about the time                online  foreign   online   websites   online
                      you spend on the internet                        language  courses  for school  shopping
                    * Refuse unknown people’s
                      friendship requests.                    Martin ______.
                    * Keep your password secret               Complete  the sentence  with  the CORRECT
                      except from your parents.               sentence according to the table above.
                    * Don’t believe in all the                A)  studies Spanish before he communicates with his
                      news on the Internet.
                                                              B)  joins online lessons after he browses some websites
                                                                for homework
              Which of the following is NOT correct according   C)  never spends money online because he always has a
              to the information above?                         busy week
              A)  You should check the source of information.  D) mostly uses the Internet for educative purposes on
                                                                weekday                                      SKILLS TEST
              B)  You should accept friendship requests from
              C)  You should share your password only with your   4.   Sarah is a secretary at an international company.
                parents.                                      She starts the day by checking the emails with an
              D) You should use the Internet moderately.      attachment.  Then, she replies to the customers’
                                                              messages online.  Also, she shares new videos, advices
                                                         OMAGE  According to the text, which of the icons DOES
                                                              and contents on company’s social media accounts.

                                                              Sarah NOT click on her computer screen?
                                                              A)                     B)

                                                              C)                     D)

          2.         Hey, Amy. How does your
                     sister mostly access the

                        What do you mean?
                                                          5.   One of your friends, Tom, is crazy about technology
                                                              and the Internet.  When you have a connection
                     I mean, ____?                            problem at home, you call him and ask for help;
                                                              however you don’t understand what he says.
              Which of the following completes the dialogue
              above?                                          Which of the following do you NOT say in this
              A)  how many hours does she spend on the Internet
              B)  which device does she generally use to get the   A)  What do you mean by that exactly?
                Internet                                      B)  Can you explain it more, please?
              C)  what kind of websites does she usually prefer  C)  Why don’t you call the customer service?

              D) does she keep in touch with her friends online  D) Sorry, but I can’t follow you.

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