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ADVENTURES | UNIT-6                                                     TEST – 1

          1.                                              3.
                           ZARA’S PLANS                                     your club present

                   MONDAY       TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY                   19.00
                                 the                                         BEST EVENT  FREE
                    mom         concert                                               ENTRY

                                                                           GUEST STAR
                   THURSDAY      FRIDAY      SATURDAY
                                                                       DJ FESTIVAL | LIVE MUSIC
                                                                       0 612 420 0 966
                    to do
                                           grandparents       We CAN NOT get any information about ______
                                                              from the poster.

                                                              A) the date of the festival       B) the price of the event
              Maya:    Hey Zara. It’s Maya. Are you free this
                    Thursday?                                 C) the contact details               D) the place of the activity

              Zara:     Hi Maya! Why are you asking?
              Maya:  I  want  to  play  tennis  with  you  in  the
                             afternoon.                   4.   The influencer is one of the types of social media

              Zara:    ______.                           OMAGE  users. The influencers are the most popular type of
              Which of the following completes the dialogue?  users in social media. They have a lot of followers.
                                                              They are always online and they give advice to
              A) My mom and I will go shopping together       their followers. Their followers trust them and they
                                                              usually listen to their advice.
              B) I’m sorry, I have to visit my grandparents
                                                              According to the information above,
              C) I’d love to, but I have things to do
                                                              Tom: I’m usually online, but I don’t have any social
              D) Of course, I will be there on time
                                                                        media accounts. I only check my emails and
                                                                         read news online.
          2.   Alexander :   Hi! I’d like to talk to the manager.                                            PRACTICE EXAM
                                                              Bob:  I use social media for practical purposes such
              Secretary :    Hello. May I ask who is calling?     as looking for valuable information,
              Alexander :   It’s Alexander Star.                         discounts or free offers.
              Secretary :    ______. I’ll put you through.    Leo:  I prefer being online all the time. I have 5
              Alexander :   Sure, thanks.                            million followers. I always give my opinion
                                                                  to them about the best thing to do in
              Which of the following CANNOT complete the                 different situations.
                                                              Jim:  I follow interesting news and check
              A)  Don’t hang up the phone, please
                                                                    important people and brands. I don’t like
              B)  Hang on a minute, please
                                                                           sharing photos or commenting on anything.
              C)  Hold on a moment, please                    Who is an influencer?
              D) Pick up the phone, please                    A)  Tom     B)  Bob    C)  Leo    D) Jim

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