Page 148 - 8oging_sb
P. 148

                                   I think she’s a great buddy.                It’s hard to make her
                                     She always keeps my                       change her mind, but
                                           secrets.                             she’s a good mate.

                      Ava                                        Amy

                                                             Fr  ds

                                       She’s in my class.
                                     Everybody likes her                      She makes me laugh all
                                  because she never tells lies.              the time. I enjoy spending
                                                                                  time with her.
                                    She’s kind and friendly.
                      Diana                                      Sophia

               According to the comments above, who says something bad about Maria?
               A)  Ava                B)  Amy                C)  Diana             D) Sophia

           6.   Mike generally likes vegetables, but he never eats broccoli and carrots. He prefers red meat to white meat.

                    The ingredients of this                           The ingredients of this
                    perfect soup are two carrots,                     perfect soup are two carrots,
                    some olive oil and some                           some olive oil and some
                    broccoli.                                         broccoli.


                    This recipe is not for                            The best way of cooking
                    vegetarians. You need half a                      broccoli is in this recipe.
                    kilo of mince, some olive oil                     You only need 5 cups of
                    and some spices.                                  chopped broccoli and a
                                                                      tablespoon of salt.

               Which dish can Mike choose?
               A)  Wellington Soup    B)  Roasted Chicken    C)  Baked Mince       D) Steamed Broccoli

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