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P. 171

TOURISM | UNIT-7                                                        TEST – 1

          1.   When you visit Turkey, you should absolutely put   3.   Hi! I'm Mike. I hope you are OK. Because of corona
              Akyaka, Muğla into your tour programme. It’s a   virus, we cannot go out and enjoy the life. But, let’s talk
              must-see place in Turkey. Akyaka is a small town   about some important applications that we used before
              in the south-west of Turkey. There are a lot of small   corona days. When I came back from work on weekdays,
              boutique hotels to stay and relax. Also, they are   I was always hungry. I didn’t know how to cook, so I
                                                              ordered what I wanted to eat by using an application.
              so cheap. This pretty town is famous for its clear   Then, I had to do something about my work; but I
              sea and sandy beaches.  You can sunbathe and    was bad at English and translated my sentences via
              discover underwater world there. You can reach   an application. Finally, the relaxing time… I turned on
              this destination by buses  from  all the cities of   my TV and watched many of the amusing videos on an
              Turkey. Have a nice holiday.                    application. The technology is great!
              According to the text above, there is NO        Which of the following DOES NOT show one of
              information about the _______.                  the applications that Mike used before corona
              A)  transportation    B)  location              days?

              C)  climate           D) accommodation          A)                     B)

                                                              C)                     D)
          2.   Twitterman :  Hey, everyone! Let’s talk about what
                         you like doing in your free time!

              Jennifer   :  I’m a famous Youtuber. I shoot lots
                         of videos about the school and
                         teen life. 2 million people follow me   OMAGE
                         there.                           4.   Edgar  :  Daddy! Have you ever been abroad?
              Tom        :  I really enjoy doing sports after   Tom  :   Yeah! I have been to many countries in
                         school every day because, to me,             Europe.
                         being fit is everything. I also have a   Edgar  :  Which destination did you like most?
                         healthy diet.                        Tom    :  My favorite was Italy.
                                                              Edgar  :  Who did you go there with?
              Eric       :  I’m  interested in  taking  photos  of   Tom  :  With your mum.
                         streets and towns.  When I have      Edgar  :  How long did you stay there?
                         different and colorful photos, it    Tom    :  We stayed there for a week.          PRACTICE EXAM
                         really excites me.                   Edgar  :  What did you do there with my mum?
              Sandra     :  I’m fond of doing shopping online.   Tom  :   We tried delicious Italian pasta. It was
                         To me, buying shoes in a lot of colors       amazing! We visited famous attractions
                                                                      such as Colosseum and Pisa  Tower.
                         is an amazing activity. I love it!           Then, we met a lot of Italian people and
                                                                      chatted with them for hours.
              According to the information above, which of
              the following is WRONG?                         Which of the following is NOT correct according
                                                              to the conversation above?
              A)  Tom gives great importance to his body and health.
                                                              A)  Edgar’s dad and mum were in Italy for seven days.
              B)  Jennifer is famous on social media because of her
                videos.                                       B)  They tasted Italian cuisine and liked it a lot.
              C)  Sandra is careful about online shopping to save her   C)  Edgar’s dad found Italy the most charming country
                money.                                          in Europe.
              D) Eric prefers doing an outdoor activity in his free time.  D) Edgar asked his dad about the price of his vacation.

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