Page 182 - 8oging_sb
P. 182

6.    I.  Of course. I wash the dishes and set the table.  Answer the questions 9-11 according to the text.
                II.  Also, I take care of my sisters and tidy up my
                  room.                                       Japanese people are different from other people
                                                              in the world. Their education system is important
                III.  You are great! What other chores do you do at
                  home?                                       in this case. They attach too much importance to
                                                              moral responsibility. To achieve this goal, students
                IV.  Do you have any responsibilities at home?
                                                              clean their classrooms by themselves. They think
               Which of the following is the CORRECT order of   that their school is like their homes. They take off
               the dialogue?
                                                              their shoes,  sweep  the  garden, dust  the shelves
               A)  IV-I-III-II        B)  IV-I-II-III         and take out the rubbish. All the students have a
               C)  III-II-IV-I        D) III-II-I-IV          responsibility and do it periodically. They learn to
                                                              respect each other and obey the rules. It affects
           7.   Jane   :  Hey, friends! I started a new work   their character positively and gets these students
                      yesterday, but I don’t know what to do.   ready for the real world.
                      Can you tell me some responsibilities at
               Sami    : You must go to work on time.       9.   What is the best title for the text above?
               Isabel  : You have to be respectful to your friends.  A)  Japanese traditions
               Noah   :  It’s necessary to cooperate with your   B)  Students on duty
                                                                C)  Helping teachers at school
               Adam  :  You get up early and get dressed before   D) Social rules in Japan
                      bus time.
               Whose answer is WRONG?                      OMAGE
               A)  Sami    B)  Isabel   C)  Noah   D) Adam

           8.   New Message

                To:       Diana
                                                            10.  Which one is TRUE according to the text?
                Subject:    Teaching responsibilities
                                                                A)  Japanese families always discuss the rules with
                 Hi, my dear friend!                              teachers.
                 I  have  an  eight-year-old  son.  I  taught  him   B)  Children learn to be responsible by cleaning their
                 the responsibilities one by one. He loads the    schools.
                 dishwasher and washes the car. We take turns   C)  The students get really tired when they arrive at
                 cleaning the house and tidying up the rooms.     home.
                 He understands the importance of helping
                 others. I never give him allowance for these   D) They see no change in personal traits of Japanese
                 because he shouldn’t learn them by rewarding.    students.
                 I’m sure every child can do these duties.

               Which of the following is CORRECT according
               to the email above?
                                                            11.  Japanese students _______.
               A)  It is important to reward the children after doing
                  chores.                                       A)  feel annoyed because of their cleaning the school
               B)  The only chore that her son does is washing the car.  B)  get a warning if they don’t do their duties at school
               C)  Christine is too busy to teach her son responsibilities.  C)  think that their house is the same as their school
               D) We should give our children some tasks step by step.  D) mostly sweep the leaves and mow the lawn

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