Page 178 - 8oging_sb
P. 178

                 1  obey                a  the guests       13.   We share our duties equally in
                 2  welcome             b  promises              our house. I’m responsible for
                                                                 ______ the laundry. I mean
                 3  return              c  the rules
                                                                 I’m in charge of putting the
                 4  keep                d  books
                                                                 clothes in different baskets
               Choose the best option to match the two parts.    according to their color.
               A)  1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b   B)  1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d  Choose the CORRECT option to complete the
               C)  1-a, 2,c, 3-d, 4-b   D) 1-c, 2-a, 3,b, 4-d
                                                                A)  separating         B)  hanging
                 These are Jennifer’s responsibilities at the   C)  drying             D) doing
                 •  mopping the floor                       14.  The English teacher got annoyed with Martha
                 •  taking the dog for a walk                   because she ______.
                 •  doing the laundry                           Choose the CORRECT option to complete the
                 •  doing the washing up                        sentence.
                 •  tidying up the room
                                                                A)  arrived the school on time
               Which of the following is NOT correct about      B)  disturbed her friends in the lesson
                                                                C)  brought the necessary material to class
               A)  She has to mess up the toys in her room.
                                                                D) raised her hand to speak
               B)  She is in charge of doing outdoor tasks.
               C)  She has to wash her clothes.
               D) She is responsible for cleaning the house.  15.           Sue   Maria   Patrick  David

           11.                                                   Washing
                                                                 the car
                           RUNNING ERRANDS
                         I-  cooking the meals                   the leaves

                         II-  cleaning the windows               Doing the
                         III- leaving the desks dirty            Preparing

                         IV- dusting the furniture               breakfast

               Which word is ODD in the list?                   Which picture is NOT one of the responsibilities
                                                                in the chart above?
               A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV
                                                                A)                     B)
           12.   To work together with someone to be
                 successful:                      _____
                 To look after a child or a pet:  _____
                 To use something that someone has   _____
                 and give it back:                              C)                     D)
               Which of the following expressions DOES NOT
               have a definition above?
               A)  borrow             B)  cooperate
               C)  gather             D) take care

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