Page 203 - 8oging_sb
P. 203

SCIENCE | UNIT-9                                                        TEST – 1

          1.                                              4.   Hi, everyone. I am taking this video from our
                                                              science lab. Everybody is busy now. Adam is
                              Rose: _____?
                                                              looking through a microscope. Jane is putting
                              Bora: I am putting a chemical   some substance into a test tube. Melinda is
                              substance into a test tube.     operating a machine with Lilly. Lilly is taking some
                                                              notes about how the machine works.

              Which of the following is suitable to fill in the   Which of the following is NOT mentioned
              blank above?                                    above?

              A)  What are you viewing                        A)                     B)
              B)  How much oxygen should you put
              C)  What are you doing now
              D) When do you go to lab

                                                              C)                     D)
          2.          THE MOST IMPORTANT LAB                                                                 SKILLS TEST
                            SAFETY RULES
                     Know the location of safety equipment
                     Dress for the lab
                     Don’t eat or drink in the laboratory
                     Don’t taste or smell chemicals
                     Don’t play in the laboratory        OMAGE 5.

                     Know what to do with lab accidents

              What can be another lab safety rule?            Henry :  What is he doing?
                                                              Ashley :  _________.
              A)  Don’t experiment on your own
              B)  Taste the chemicals with your tongue        A)  He is vaccinating a girl

              C)  Mix some chemicals on the ground            B)  He is viewing a sample
                                                              C)  He is examining a girl
              D) Listen to the music loudly for fun
                                                              D) He is doing an experiment

          3.   Lena  :  We are learning about the Earth in
                    geography class.
              Mark  :  We are learning a language to talk to   6.   (I)  Aziz Sancar graduated from Mardin High
                    tourists.                                 School in 1963.  (II)  Sancar studied medicine at
              Carol  :  We are looking at the fossils of dinosaurs   Istanbul University and at the University of Texas,
                    at a museum.                              Dallas. (III) He is a professor at the University of
                                                              North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill.
              Rana  :  We are learning new things about our   (IV) Aziz Sancar is married to Gwen Boles Sancar, a
                    body parts.                               professor in biochemistry and biophysics.
              Who is in the science lab now?                  Which of the sentences is ODD?

              A)  Lena   B)  Mark   C)  Carol   D) Rana       A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV

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