Page 206 - 8oging_sb
P. 206

7.                                               9.   Jackie   :  Where were you on the weekend,
                        Olympiad Science Contest                        Jasmine?
                    Between May 2 and 5, do two scientific
                    activities with your friends or family for a   Jasmine :  We were at a great exhibition with my
                        chance to WIN the great prize!                  parents.  The name of it is  “The Giant
                                                                        Dinosaurs”. You should definitely see it.
                       THREE PEOPLE FOR EACH GROUP
                                                                Jackie  : Should I? _____?
                  Place: City Science Museum
                                                                Jasmine :  Well, the exhibition features over 10
                  Prize: $1200 (for a group)                            enormous dinosaurs’  skeletons.  You
                                                                        really learn about the dinosaur anatomy.
                  A science encyclopaedia for each winner               We also watched an animation about
                                                                        their organs and muscles.  They were
                  For more information:                                 really big and strong animals in the past.
                  mail to
                                                                Which of the following is suitable to complete
                  Organized by: Science Institute               the dialogue above?
                                                                A)  How much money did you pay for the entrance

                                                                B)  How can I attend the great exhibition
                                                                C)  What did you see at the exhibition
                                                                D) How did you learn the exhibition date

               Which of the following is NOT correct according
               to the brochure above?
               A)  The contest is going to take place in spring.  10.  The science teacher gave a project to his students
                                                                to draw a picture about lab safety and write the
               B)  If you can’t win the prize, you can get an   OMAGE  instruction  under  the picture. But  one  of the
                  encyclopaedia.                                students has a mistake with his project.
               C)  You can get information by sending an email to the
                  Science Institute.                                       Science Safety Rules
               D) You must have a group of four people to attend the

                                                                              Joe                Vera
                                                                                      Chemicals can cause
                                                                   Wear safety goggles!

           8.   (I) Patricia Bath began working on her most well-             Leila              Yasin
               known invention the Laserphaco Probe in 1986.
               (II) She married and gave birth to a daughter,       Wash your face with   Wear your lab coat!
                                                                     soap and water!
               Eraka, in 1972.  (III)  The device created a less
               painful of cataracts. (IV) She received a patent for
               the device in 1988.                              Whose picture has the mistake?
               Which of the following sentences is ODD?         A)  Joe’s              B)  Vera’s

               A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV          C)  Leila’s            D) Yasin’s

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