Page 60 - 8oging_sb
P. 60

6.   Mom : Honey! Can you bring the _____? I     Answer the questions 9-10 according to the recipe
                       must grill the fish.                                    below.
               Girl  : OK, mum. Fish is my favourite dish. I
                       love it with some chips.
               Which of the following is suitable to fill in the

               A)                     B)

                                                                  Making an omelette is very easy. You
               C)                     D)                          need a tablespoon of butter, two eggs,
                                                                  some salt, ½ glass of milk, a tablespoon
                                                                  of  flour.  First  crack  the  eggs  into  a
                                                                  bowl. Second, add some salt, flour and
                                                                  milk. Then, mix them well.  Heat the
           7.   Waiter : Hello! Welcome. _____?                   frying pan and put butter into the pan.
               Hale   : I’d like some spicy roasted steak and     Finally,  melt  the  butter  and  pour  the
                                                                  mixture into the pan and cook it for 4
                        season salad.                             or 5 minutes. Your omelette is ready.
               Waiter : Sure. _____?                              Enjoy it.
               Hale   : I can have some coke, please.
               Waiter : We have delicious pumpkin dessert.
               Hale   : I don’t like it. Do you have apple pie?
               Waiter : Yes, we do. Your order will be ready
                        within ten minutes.                OMAGE
               Hale   : Thank you.                          9.   Which of the ingredients is CORRECT according
               Which of the following questions is NOT          to the process above?
               suitable to fill in the blanks above?            A)                     B)
               A)  What would you like to drink
               B)  Would you like to have it
               C)  What about dessert
               D) What would you like to eat
           8.    Master Cook                                    C)                     D)
                 Cook the best green bean and get the gold
                 Ingredients are ready.
                 1 June 2021
                 At 11 a.m.
                 No payment for the contest
                                                            10.  What should I do after I melt the butter?
               Which of the following is NOT correct according
               to the brochure above?                           A)  You should crack two eggs into a frying pan.

               A)  You don’t have to pay any money for the contest.  B)  You should beat the eggs into the bowl.
               B)  The contest is going to be in summer time.   C)  You should pour the mixture into the pan.
               C)  You must bring green beans to cook with you.  D) You should cook the omelette for 4 or 5 minutes.
               D) The company is going to give a reward to the winner.

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