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P. 62

6.                                               9.               PINEAPPLE CAKE
                                                                 First, put the eggs, sugar, baking powder and
                                                                 oil into a bowl and mix them.
                                                                 Second, add flour and mix again.
                                                                 Next, dice a pineapple, add the pineapple
                                                                 pieces into the mixture and stir the mixture.
               Mike : Hi, Laura. This is Mike calling. What      Then spread some oil into the cake pan and
                       should I cook for Thanksgiving Day?       pour the mixture into it.
                                                                 After that, bake it for about 30-35 minutes.
               Laura : Hi, Mike. I’m roasting a turkey today. It’s   Finally, turn the cake upside down after 15
                       my favourite dish. Why don’t you cook     minutes, slice it and serve warm. Enjoy your
                       it?                                       cake.
               Mike : That sounds great, but I don’t know       Which of the following is CORRECT according
                       how to cook it. _____?                   to the recipe above?
               Laura : Of course, but you should go shopping    A)  Before you add flour, you should dice the pineapple.
                       first to buy the ingredients.
                                                                B)  After you pour the mixture into the cake pan, bake it
               Which of the following is suitable to fill in the   for 30-35 minutes.
               blank above?                                     C)  Before you turn the cake upside down, spread some
               A)  Can you send me the recipe                     oil into the cake pan.
               B)  Do you use oven or cooker                    D) If you serve the cake cold, you will have the real taste of it.
               C)  When do I add some spices                Answer the questions 10-11 according to the text
               D) Do I grill the red meat first                                below.
                                                                              Hi, everybody! I am Celal
           7.             I always want sweet food for                        Kebapçıoğlu, the chef of a well-
                                                                              known restaurant in Adana,
                          my breakfast. So, I prefer                          Turkey.  Today I am going to
                          pancakes with honey,             OMAGE              talk  about  how  to  make  a
                          chocolate on the bread or                           tasty Adana kebab. First, chop
                          strawberry jam.                    Celal KEBAPÇIOĞLU  the onion and garlic. Mix the
                 Branda                                                       minced lamb and beef  with
                                                             onion and garlic, then knead well.  Then add the
               Which of the following is NOT mentioned       spices, oil, tomato paste and parsley and continue
               above?                                        kneading. Then put the kebab in the refrigerator for
                                                             about 3 hours. Put the minced meat you prepared
               A)                     B)                     into the skewers (the flatted metal). Place them on
                                                             the fire and wait for ten minutes. After your kebab is
                                                             ready, you can serve it with sumac onion salad and
                                                             bread. Bon Appetit!
               C)                     D)
                                                            10.  Which of the questions has NO answer
                                                                according to the text above?
                                                                A)  How much mince do you use for the kebab?
                                                                B)  How can we cook a delicious Adana kebab?
           8.   Mom    : I made a tasty salad with green        C)  What are the ingredients for Adana kebab?
                         vegetables.                            D) How can we serve Adana kebab well?
               Melinda : I like my salad a bit fatty. _____?
               Mom     : Alright.                           11.  After you mix the minced lamb and beef with
                                                                garlic and onion, _____.
               Complete the gap with a meaningful option.       Complete the sentence with the best choice.

               A)  Could you please add some olive oil          A)  you should knead well
               B)  Can I have some pepper, please               B)  you can add some more spices
               C)  Could you give me some salt, please          C)  you can marinate it with some spices
               D) Would you like to add some butter             D) you should sprinkle some salt on it

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