Page 14 - OG_7 Kurumsal
P. 14


             SINAVLA ÖĞRENCİ ALACAK ORTAÖĞRETİM                                               SINIF
               KURUMLARINA İLİŞKİN DENEME SINAVI                                                       A

           Bu testte 10 soru vardır. Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdına işaretleyiniz.

           1.   Nina is playing a game. She should choose the correct answers to win the game.

                                                 What does Julia look like?

                                                                           She is tall and
                               She is generous.

                              What does she do?                           What is she like?

                                          She exercises once                         She likes playing
                      She is a teacher.                          She is honest.
                                              a month.                                  volleyball.
                            I                    II                   III                  IV

               Which of the following is the correct answer?
               A)  I                  B)  II                 C)  III               D) IV

           2.   Here is the milestones of Marie Curie’s life.

                        Born                             Married                            Died

                        1867             1893             1895             1903             1934

                                     Graduated from                     Got the Nobel
                                       university                          prize

               Which of the following is CORRECT according to the milestones above?
               A)  She graduated from university after she got married.
               B)  She married twice.
               C)  She won a very special award at the age of thirty-six.
               D) She died at the age of seventy.

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