Page 15 - OG_7 Kurumsal
P. 15


          3.                                              5.
                        Bernard is __________ . He always               Hello! My name  s Tracy. I have a best
                                                                        fr end called Rebecca. We are  n the
                        thinks of himself.
                                                                        same class. She  s shorter and fatter
                                                                Tracy   than me. She  sn’t a hardwork ng
                                                                        person, but she can sw m well.
                                                                        Rebecca  s a very good person. She
                Marilyn never changes her mind.                         always shares her food w th her
                She is  ________ .                                      classmates. However, our teachers
                                                                        somet mes warn her to come to the
                                                                        class earl er. She never arr ves on
                                                                        t me.
                        Harold has many friends. He is
                        __________ .
                                                              According to the text, ___________ .
                                                              Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
              Which of the following DOES NOT complete
              one of the blanks above?                        A)  Rebecca is more hardworking than Tracy
              A)  selfish           B)  generous              B)  Tracy is shorter than Rebecca
              C)  stubborn          D) outgoing               C)  both Tracy and Rebecca are punctual people
                                                              D) Rebecca is a generous person

                                                         OMAGE  OMAGE

                           Mete Gazoz is a national archer. He   6.   David has a  survey in her school about 100
                           trains very hard every day to be more   students’ favorite sports. The chart below shows
                           successful. He became the champion
                           in 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.       the results.

                Çağla Büyükakçay is a very successful
                tennis player because she is the first
                Turkish tennis player on the ‘Top 100’               yoga
                list. She  usually eats healthy food to
                have a healthy body.
                                                                 sw mm ng

                           Emre Demir is the youngest football    volleyball
                           player who scored in Turkish Football
                           League. He plays for Barcelona now.
                                                                          0  10  20   30  40  50  60

              Which of the following questions DOES NOT       According to the chart, ___________ .
              have an answer in the texts above?              Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
              A)  How often does Mete Gazoz exercise?         A)  half of the students love football
              B)  What is Emre Demir’s branch?
                                                              B)  no one in Mary’s school does yoga
              C)  Why does Mete Gazoz train very hard?        C)  most students like an individual sport

              D) Where does Çağla train?                      D) a team sport is the least popular among students

   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20