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P. 11
1. Bu testte 10 soru vardır. 20 DENEME
2. Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır. DENEME SINAVI
3. Cevaplarınızı, cevap Adı Soyadı: .............................................................................................. GENEL dENEmE
kağıdına işaretleyiniz. 3
Okulu: ......................................................................................................
Sınıfı: ................................. Numarası: ..............................................
1. 2.
No, I don’t have a plan. Why?
“Fr ends Never Say Goodbye!’’
Lindsey Hello Everybody,
We’d l ke to nv te all of you to
_________________ ? celebrate th s spec al day w th us.
There is a great science fiction You’ll def n tely enjoy our games,
Jennifer film at Movie Corner. surpr ses and mus c!
Let’s have lots of fun on the b g day!
I’m so sorry, Jennifer, but I Happy Fr endsh p Day!
don’t like movies about space.
Lindsey SUNDAY 16 JUNE AT 1:30 p.m.
Oh, I understand.
____________? Which question does NOT have an answer on
Jennifer the invitation card?
A) What time is the party?
I like thrillers. B) What is the date of the party?
Lindsey C) Where is the party?
Which question DOES NOT Jennifer ask D) Who is the organiser of the party?
A) What is your favourite type of movie
B) Shall we go to the cinema together
C) Would you like to watch a comedy with me
D) Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon