Page 12 - 8moding_20_li 1dnm
P. 12

Answer questions 3-4 according to the        5.   Green Island is the name of a small town.  The
               information below.                               teens of this town are keen on music. The chart
                                                                below shows their music preferences.


                                                                      Jazz    Ind an    Folk      Rap
                  - Do you want to be close to nature?
                  - Are you keen on trekk ng?                   Which comment is CORRECT according to the
                  - Are you  nterested  n stay ng  n a tent?    chart?
                  - Would you l ke to roast marshmallows over   A) Jazz is less popular than the other types of music.
                     a campf re?
                  - What about jo n ng our camp ng tr p?        B) Rap music isn’t very popular among the teenagers in
                                                                  this town.
                  Date: August 2- August 16
                       - £ 1770 per person ( nclud ng food and dr nks)  C) Folk music is their favourite type of music.
                       - We prov de tents, sleep ng bags,
                          pocketkn ves and compasses.           D) The teens of Green Island generally listen to Indian
                      - Br ng a torch w th you, please.           music.
                  Note: You must be 16 and over to jo n the camp.

           3.   Which picture shows an item that campers
               should take with them?
               A)                     B)

               C)                     D)

           4.   Which sentence is  TRUE according to the
        GENEL DENEME 3  A) The camp is only for one month.

               B) There isn’t any information about the price of the

               C) People can’t join the camp if they are under sixteen.
               D) The camp doesn’t offer any food or drinks.

   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17