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8.                                                  10.

               Smartphones are very important in our lives, but             I’m very careful about the
               they have pros and cons. Here are some them.                 websites I visit on the Internet.
                 I.  Smartphones are easy to carry.
                II.  We can connect to the Internet on our
                                                                             I usually accept friend requests
                III.  Smartphones are very expensive to buy.                 from strangers. I have over five

                 IV.  It’s easy to get in touch with people via              hundred online friends.
                  smartphones.                                     Maria
                V.  Smartphones have some security risks.
                                                                            I always choose a strong
               VI.  Smartphones  are  very  important  for
                  emergency situations.                                     password when I register for an
                                                                            account on social media.
               Which options show the negative sides of           Nancy

               A)  III / V               B)  I / II
                                                                            I never share my personal
               C)  II / VI               D) IV / VI                         information with people on the

           9.                                                   Who does NOT follow a safety rule on  the

                                                                A)  Oscar              B)  Maria
                                                                C)  Nancy              D) Frederic

               Let’s Make Pancakes
                 I.  Mix the floor, baking powder and sugar in a
                II.  Whisk the milk, oil and eggs in a different bowl.
                 III.  Mix the dry ingredients with the wet
        GENEL DENEME 7    IV.  For each pancake, pour some mixture into the

                  pan and cook for two minutes before turning it
               Which step has a connection with the picture?

               A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV

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