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          1.   Bu testte 10 soru vardır.                                          20 DENEME
          2.  Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır.  DENEME SINAVI
          3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap   Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  GENEL dENEmE
            kağıdına işaretleyiniz.                                                        7
                                 Okulu: ......................................................................................................
                                 Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................

          1.    I.  Tracy  :  Are you doing anything tomorrow   2.   Teenagers' Preferences

                 Gloria  :  No, not at all.
                 Tracy  :  I’m going to the shopping mall to
                         buy some trendy clothes. Would you
                         like to join me?
                 Gloria  :  I’m sorry, but I don’t like shopping.
               II.  Henry  : Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
                 Kate   : Yes, I don’t have a plan. Why?

                 Henry  :  Shall we go to the cinema and see     Theatre  Sports Books  Fash on
                         the new science fiction movie?
                  Kate   :  Sorry, Henry, but I’m not interested
                         in science fiction movies.                       Most teenagers are keen on
                                                                          reading books.
                III.  Samuel  :   Do you have a plan on Sunday?

                 Matilda  :  Yes, I’m going to a jazz concert with
                         my cousin. What about you?              Jason
                 Samuel  :  I’m going to have a picnic with some
                         friends, but you can’t join us.                  More     teenagers   prefer
                                                                          following fashion than seeing
                 Matilda  :  No worries.  We can have a picnic
                         together next week.                              plays.
                IV.  Fred  :  How about going to the big book     Emily
                         fair in the city centre?
                  Paul   :  Great idea. I love books. I can’t wait        Following fashion is less popular
                         for it.                                          than reading books.
                 Fred   :  What time shall we meet?
                 Paul   :  Let’s meet at 11.30. I’ll call you before   David
                         we meet.
              Which option is  WRONG according to the
              dialogues?                                                  Only a few teenagers are fond of
              A) Tracy is interested in fashion.
              B) Kate doesn’t want to see a science fiction film.
              C) Matilda refuses Samuel’s invitation with a reason.
                                                              Who comments on the chart correctly?
              D) Paul doesn’t accept Fred’s invitation.                                                    GENEL DENEME 7
                                                              A) Jason                  B) Emily
                                                              C) David                  D) Tamara

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