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P. 143


                                  SINAVLA ÖĞRENCİ ALACAK ORTAÖĞRETİM

                                    KURUMLARINA İLİŞKİN DENEME SINAVI

                                                Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
                                          Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdına işaretleyiniz.

           1.   Lucas enjoys doing different activities. Here is the timetable of his activities.

                         TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY              FRIDAY

                           Gym            Chess tournament         Bowl ng           Cook ng class

                        19:00 - 20:30        16:15 - 17:15       12:30 - 15:45        10:00 - 11:00

               Oliver: Jack, Luke and I are going to play video games on Tuesday. Would you like to join us?
               Lucas: What time?

               Oliver: At 7 p.m.
               Lucas: ________.
               Which of the following completes the conversation above?

               A)  It’s awesome. I can join you before the gym
               B)  I’m sorry, but I have to do training at that time
               C)  Sounds exciting, but I will be at the chess tournament
               D) I’d love to, but I will play bowling with my cousins

                                                    LUNCH MENU
                                                    FOR STUDENTS

                      Noodle soup     Tomato soup    Mushroom soup     Lent l soup      Orzo soup
                                       Pasta w th                      R ce stu ed
                     Roasted steak                    Fr ed ch cken                     Gr lled f sh
                                      tomato sauce                       peppers
                      Ice cream       Green salad      Lemonade       Orange ju ce   Banana pudd ng

               Mary : Did you see the lunch menu for this week, Tom?
               Jane : Yes, I think I won't bring my meal to school on ________.
               Mary : Why?
               Jane : I dislike meat, but I like eating vegetables.

               Which of the following completes the conversation above?
               A)  Monday and Wednesday                              B) Tuesday and Thursday
               C)  Monday and Friday                                 D) Thursday and Friday

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