Page 21 - Tekyurek_4lu
P. 21

            YABANCI DİL (İNGİLİZCE)           1                     1

           4.  Internet addiction is increasing nowadays. Experts researched the Internet usage. The chart below
               shows for what purposes people use the Internet in Turkey.











                          online shopping     paying the bills    watching movies      spending time
                                                                                       on Instagram or
                                          MEN        WOMEN           TEENAGERS

               According to the chart, we NEVER say that - - - -.
               A) people want to improve their English via movies
               B) men often prefer paying the bills online
               C) teenagers love using the social networking sites the most
               D) women are more interested in shopping on the Internet than men

                                                                                        Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26