Page 23 - Tekyurek_4lu
P. 23

            YABANCI DİL (İNGİLİZCE)           1                     1

           6.  Read the messages and answer the question.

                                                    As  soon  as  I  arrived  home,  I  checked  my  home
                                                    phone and heard three messages. The messages
                                                    are listed below.


                Mary   :  Hi, Lucy. I called you three times, but you couldn’t answer the phone. Are you OK? Will
                         you join the cinema night tomorrow? Call me as soon as possible.
                Gabriel :  Hi, Lucy. There is a problem. I saw Mr. Cameron and he told me that you didn’t send
                         the email about your project homework. You have to send an email to him.
                Tina    :  Hello, Lucy. My school is organizing a campaign for people in need. We need your
                         help. Would you like to help us? I’m at home until 6 p.m. today. My phone number is

               After listening to all messages, Lucy called her friend and said that she wanted to donate
               some clothes and books. Who did Lucy call?
               A) Mary               B) Gabriel            C) Tina                D) Mr. Cameron

           7.  Read Amy’s recipe and fill in the blank.

                                                          Today I will explain how to make Chili Chicken
                                                          Noodles. First, fry the chicken for a couple of
                                                          minutes with oil and add a teaspoon of salt. Then,
                                                          put some chopped red onion, diced red and green bell
                                                          peppers. After adding two tablespoons of soy sauce,
                                                          three cloves of garlic and one red chili pepper, mix
                                                          all of them. Then, put some cornstarch and spices.
                                                          After ten minutes, toss with hot boiled noodles.
                                                          It’s ready for 4 people. Now it’s time to start!

               There is NO information about the - - - -.

               A) ingredients of the recipe                B) description of the process
               C) name of the meal                         D) tips of the cook

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