Page 63 - Tekyurek_4lu
P. 63

1.  Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
             2.  Cevaplarınızı cevap kâğıdının “İngilizce” testi için ayrılan bölümüne işaretleyiniz.

               Read the conversation and answer the questions 1-2.
               Mrs. Marion asks her students ‘‘How do you describe yourself as a friend?’’. Here are some of their answers:

                        I never share my friends’ secrets with other people. They can always count
                        on me.I attach great importance to trust and always tell the truth.

                Nancy             I think I’m a true friend. I give encouragement and back my friends up when
                                  they are in trouble. However, it is hard to change my mind.

                        I get on well with my friends and make them laugh. I also like sharing my
                                    I don't judge others and I always be tactful to my friends, but some of my
                                    friends say I’m relaxed in manner and character.

           1.  According to the conversation, who is reliable?
               A)  Martin            B)  Nancy              C)  Hans              D)  Julia

           2.  According to the conversation above, we CANNOT say that - - - -.
               A)  Hans is supportive, but a bit stubborn
               B)  Julia is both amusing and generous
               C)  Martin is a laid-back boy
               D)  two of the students are honest

               Look at the menu and answer the question below.
           3.  Kate is a chef at a restaurant and here is the menu for this week:

                MONDAY                            TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY
                Tomato soup                       Lentil soup                      Fried chicken wings
                Steak                             Grilled fish                      Baked potatoes
                Rice                              Carrot salad                     Season salad
                Cheesecake                        Ayran                            Baklava

                             THURSDAY                           FRIDAY

                             Lentil soup                        Mushroom soup
                             Roasted beef                       Meatballs
                             Pasta                              Spaghetti
                             Coke                               Ice-cream
               According to the menu, which of the following is CORRECT?
               A)  The restaurant offers a red meat dish three times.
               B)  If you want to eat seafood, you can go to the restaurant on Wednesday.
               C)  Kate is planning to make only milky desserts.
               D)  You can have vegetable soup every day.
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