Page 64 - Tekyurek_4lu
P. 64


               Read the information and answer the question.
           4.  Emily and Fiona are buddies and they want to attend a course in the afternoon on weekends. Fiona is interested
               in playing musical instruments, painting and playing golf, but she can’t stand watching movies. Emily is fond of
               individual sports and board games. Everyone says she has an impressive voice and she is planning to improve it.
               However she finds drawing pictures ridiculous. They also want to pay less than eighty dollars per person for the
               Which of the following courses is appropriate for both of them?
               A)                    B)                    C)                     D)
                                         GOLF COURSEGOLF COURSEGOLF COURSE
                                  GOLF COURSE
                                    09.30-10.30 09.30-10.30 09.30-10.30 09.30-10.30
                                       a.m.   a.m.   a.m.  a.m.     CHECKERS CHECKERS
                                                                                 CHECKERS CHECKERS
                                                  MUSIC COURSEMUSIC COURSEMUSIC COURSEMUSIC COURSE

                                      Friday Friday Friday Friday
                                                 04.40-05.40 p.m.04.40-05.40 p.m.04.40-05.40 p.m.04.40-05.40 p.m.

                                       $ 75
                                             $ 75
                   02.00-03.00 p.m.02.00-03.00 p.m.02.00-03.00 p.m. $ 75  $ 75  01.00-02.00 p.m.01.00-02.00 p.m.
                         02.00-03.00 p.m.
                                                                               01.00-02.00 p.m.01.00-02.00 p.m.
                      Saturday SaturdaySaturdaySaturday  Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
                        $ 80  $ 80   $ 80   $ 80      $ 70   $ 70   $ 70   $ 70     $ 85   $ 85
                                                                             $ 85
                                                                      $ 85
               Read the information and answer the question.
           5.                            You are keen on seeing plays and your
                                            cousin invites you to a new play
                                           downtown. You must finish your
                                           school assignment, but you don’t
                                             want to miss the opportunity.
               Which of the following do you NOT say to your cousin?
              A)  I have some work to do, but I cannot miss this chance.
              B)  Thanks for inviting me to the theatre. I’ll be there for sure.
              C)  That sounds terrific! I can’t refuse such a nice invitation.
              D)  I enjoy seeing plays, but I’ll be busy with my school project.
               Look at the photos and answer the question.     Read  the  recipe  and  complete  the  sentence
           6.  Arda is making a homemade pizza at the moment
               and here are some photos:                   7.                       Spinach  with  eggs  is  an
                                                                                    easy breakfast or brunch
                                                                                    dish.  First,  wash  and
                                                                                    chop the spinach leaves.
                                                                                    Then, heat a little olive oil
                                                               in a pan, add diced onions and fry them until golden
               Which  of  the  following  steps  does  NOT  match   brown. Next, add the spinach into the pan and cook
               with any of the pictures?                       for  about  10  minutes.  After  that,  season  with  salt
              A)  Sprinkle grated cheese on the pizza base.    and black pepper. Finally, crack eggs on the spinach
              B)  Spread tomato sauce with a spoon.            and cook until whites set. Serve hot. Enjoy it!
              C)  Roll the dough on a floured surface.         In the recipe, there is NO information about the
              D)  Knead the dough to make it softer.           - - - -.
                                                               A)  serving size     B)  cooking method
                                                               C)  process          D)  ingredients

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