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             THE INTERNET                                                                           VOCABULARY – 3

                                                      Verbs (Fiiller)

             confirm     : onaylamak            vary        : değişiklik göstermek  see         : görmek
             reply       : cevaplamak           connect     : bağlanmak             begin       : başlamak
             increase    : yükselmek            tell        : anlatmak              catch       : yakalamak
             use         : kullanmak            obey        : uymak                 interact    : etkileşmek
             send        : göndermek            log in / on    : giriş yapmak       accept      : kabul etmek
             browse      : göz atmak            sign in / up  : kayıt olmak         mean        : demek istemek
             comment     : yorum yapmak         delete      : silmek                check       : kontrol etmek
             search      : arama yapmak         upload      : yüklemek              surf        : gezinmek (internette)
             post        : gönderi paylaşmak    develop     : geliştirmek           refuse      : reddetmek
             follow      : takip etmek          share       : paylaşmak             register    : kaydolmak
             create      : oluşturmak           click       : tıklamak              log out / off  : çıkış yapmak
             allow       : izin vermek          practise    : pratik yapmak         modify      : değiştirmek
             join        : katılmak             download    : indirmek
             spend       : harcamak             avoid       : kaçınmak
                                    Internet Activities (İnternet Aktiviteleri)

             do online shopping    :  internetten alışveriş yapmak  use social networking sites  :  sosyal ağ sitelerini kullanmak
             search for information  :  bilgi aramak               buy tickets              :  bilet almak
             play online games     :  çevrim içi oyun oynamak      read newspapers          :  gazete okumak
             pay the bills         :  faturaları ödemek            follow bloggers          :  blogcuları takip etmek
             follow series         :  dizi takip etmek             watch movies / videos    :  filmler / videolar izlemek
             chat                  :  konuşmak                     visit websites           :  internet sitelerini ziyaret etmek
             make new friends      :  yeni arkadaşlar edinmek

                Exercise 1     Circle the correct option to fill in the blanks.

                  1.   We should obey / tell the Internet safety rules to be safe online.
                  2.   Before increasing / downloading a file, always check / avoid it with an adult.
                  3.   After you register / post my vlog, you will get an e-mail to confirm / catch your account.
                  4.   Ashley didn’t begin / send a friend request to me on Facebook.
                  5.   My mother always posts / comments on my photos.

                  6.   On Instagram, you can create an account and upload / connect photos.

                                 Fill in the blanks with the words below.
                Exercise 2
                                 use       mean       log in      avoid      allow      surf       mean       accept
                 1.   Don’t __________ friend requests coming from strangers.
                 2.   __________ using dangerous sites.

                 3.   Internet is a good way to escape from daily life. We usually __________ it to spend some good time alone.
                 4.   I couldn’t understand you. What do you __________ ?
                 5.   Pam couldn’t __________ to the site because she didn’t remember her password.
                 6.   I want to see your posts on Instagram, but my parents don’t __________ me to have social media accounts.
                 7.   Victoria and Daisy are keen on cooking. They __________ on the Internet to look for recipes.

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