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             THE INTERNET                                                                           VOCABULARY – 2



            research    : araştırma              aim        : amaç, hedef            fashion          : moda
            request     : istek                  rule       : kural                  letter           : harf
            science     : bilim                  equipment  : donanım                keyboard         : klavye

            addict      : bağımlı                course     : ders                   picture          : resim
            recipe      : yemek tarifi           article    : makale                 software         : yazılım
            screen      : ekran                  usage      : kullanım               adult            : yetişkin
            opinion     : görüş                  subscriber  : abone                 blog             : web günlüğü
            writing     : yazı                   language    : dil                   communication    : iletişim
            letter      : harf                   news       : haber                  punctuation      : noktalama
            word        : kelime                 series     : dizi                   button           : tuş

            relationship  : ilişki               information  : bilgi                identity         : kimlik
            secret      : sır                    wall       : duvar
                                                 Internet Related Nouns
                                               (İnternetle Alakalı İsimler)

            account     : hesap          connection  : bağlantı       website     : web sitesi
            browser     : tarayıcı       attachment  : ek dosya       connection  : bağlantı
            notification  : bildirim     comment     : yorum          web         : internet ağı
            post        : gönderi        password    : şifre                                          loading...

                Exercise 1     Choose the correct option according to the pictures.

                    1.                       2.                        3.                       4.

                  notification / connection  equipment / browser       account / password        post / connection

                    5.                       6.                        7.                       8.

                      screen / button          word / keyboard        comment /punctuation      attachment / identity

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