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           THE INTERNET                                                                           VOCABULARY – 1


            recent   :  yeni, en son                                         unknown   :  bilinmeyen / tanıdık olmayan
            different  :  farklı                                             necessary   :  gerekli
            addicted  :  bağımlı                                             functional  :  pratik, kullanışlı
            online   :  çevrimiçi                                            offline     :  çevrimdışı
            new      :  yeni                                                 foreign     :  yabancı
            old      :  eski                                                 important  :  önemli
            young    :  genç                                                 careful     :  dikkatli
            personal  :  kişisel                                             stranger   :  yabancı
            secret   :  gizli                                                homeless   :  evsiz
            first    :  ilk                                                  multiplayer  :  çok oyunculu
            free     :  boş, özgür                                           busy       :  meşgul
            dangerous:  tehlikeli                                            broken     :  bozuk
            safe     :  güvenli                                              kind       :  nazik, kibar

              Exercise 1     Fill in the blanks with the adjectives below. (Two of them are extra.)

                                personal                safe                unknown              dangerous

                                 secret                 busy               multiplayer              first

                1.   Don’t share your ___________ information with strangers.

                2.   You shouldn’t accept ___________ people’s friend requests on social media.
                3.   Avoid using ___________ websites. Your computer can be hacked.

                4.   Yuka wanted to join our Zoom meeting, but she was ___________ .
                5.   Daisy likes playing ___________ games with her friends. She is a real gamer.

                6.   I don’t think Helen is reliable. I never share a ___________ with her.

               Exercise 2    Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

               1.   Chidi spends more than five hours online. He is functional / addicted.
               2.   The Internet is careful / necessary in every part of our lives.

               3.   I sent Melissa a message on WhatsApp, but she didn’t see it. She was online / off line.
               4. is a good website to learn a foreing / free language.
               5.   Philip can’t go online because his Internet is old / broken.
               6.   Recent / Stranger researches show that %70 of teenagers in Turkey are Internet addicts.

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