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           THE INTERNET                                                                          NEW GENERATION TEST

                                                        What do you use the Internet for?

                                                                             I generally read art cles
                                           I often use the Internet for      and download e-books.
                                           soc al network ng s tes.  Zoey  Carly

                                             I l ke chatt ng w th my      I use the Internet to play
                                             fr ends when I’m onl ne.     onl ne games.
                                               Uzay nedir?

                                                               Jayson           Andrea

              According to the information above, who uses the Internet for an educational purpose?
              A)  Zoey              B)  Carly              C)  Jayson             D) Andrea

          2.   Mr. Wilson, an English teacher, asks a question to his students on their WhatsApp group. Here are some of his students’ answers:

                             What do you th nk about the advantages and d sadvantages of the Internet?

                                                                                                Mr. W lson
                             It’s useful for everyone. Everybody can f nd someth ng to do on the Internet.
                                                                                                  Derr ck

                             I suppose the Internet a ects our relat onsh ps  n a bad way because people don’t
                             prefer face-to-face commun cat on these days.
                                                                                                  Patr ck
                             I th nk the Internet changes our personal t es  n a bad way.

                             Accord ng to sc ent sts,  t causes some concentrat on problems for ch ldren.

                             Most people th nk the Internet  s dangerous, but I don’t agree. We can buy t ckets, read
                             the news, watch v deos, chat w th our fr ends and play games. It’s not dangerous,  t’s
                             very useful.
                              Type a message

              According to the information above, which two students are talking about the positive sides of the Internet?
              A)  Derrick & Patrick                        B)  Patrick & Qyburn
              C)  Derrick & Sam                            D) Rebecca & Sam

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