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             THE INTERNET                                                                          NEW GENERATION TEST

           8.                                Hello, welcome to my vlog. I post videos about my daily life. If you want to register for my
                                             video blog, follow the steps below.
                                             First, write my vlog name on a search engine and click on the address. Second, click on the
                                             sign-up button. Then fill in your personal info boxes.  After that, you will get an e-mail to
                                             confirm your account.  Finally, you can like my last video.

               Which of the following icon should somebody click after filling the personal info boxes?

               A)                     B)                     C)                    D)

           9.   Sharon made some suggestions about Internet safety, but she has one mistake in each box.

                                         You should                                 You shouldn’t
                                  have online friends                         visit dangerous sites
                                  be careful about what you share             share your personal information
                                  refuse strangers’ friend requests           create a strong password
                                  keep your password secret                   spend too much time online

               Which expressions in the boxes should change places to correct Sharon’s mistake?

               A)                     B)                     C)                    D)

           10.  Matt and his friends enjoy spending time on the Internet. Here is some information about what they do:

                 •  One of them follows a vlogger. The vlog is about a team sport.
                 •  Matt takes an online language course on the Internet.
                 •  Two of them use the Internet for the same reason.

               According to the information above, which of the following is CORRECT?
                            Matt                     Linda                    Kylie                    Helen
                         Sharing photos       Reading the news online  Using social networking sites  Studying

                            Matt                     Linda                    Kylie                    Helen
                        Practicing French        Doing homework      Following a volleyball channel   Learning a language
                                                                            on YouTube

               C)           Matt                     Linda                    Kylie                    Helen
                        Learning Spanish         Shopping online      Watching series and movies    Buying clothes

                            Matt                     Linda                    Kylie                    Helen
                      Taking a chess course  Having video chats with friends  Reading e-books     Following a vlogger

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