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           TOURISM                                                                                VOCABULARY – 4

                                                     Nouns (İsimler)

         site           :  yer                                     memory         :  anı
         city           :  şehir                                   price          :  fiyat

         architecture     :  mimari                                inscription     :  yazıt
         story          :  hikaye                                  climate         :  iklim
         journey        :  yolculuk                                building        :  bina
         province       :  il                                      relaxation      :  rahatlama
         ceremony       :  tören                                   pleasure        :  zevk
         accommodation :  kalacak yer                              freedom        :  özgürlük
         transportation  :  ulaşım                                 duty           :  görev

         attraction       :  çekicilik                             meeting        :  buluşma
         location        :  konum                                  custom         :  gelenek
         east           :  doğu                                    belief         :  inanç
         west           :  batı                                    scenery        :  manzara
         north          :  kuzey                                   guesthouse     :  misafirhane
         south          :  güney                                   heritage        :  miras
         town           :  ilçe / kasaba                           resort         :  tatil yeri
         budget         :  bütçe                                   heaven         :  cennet
         plane          :  uçak                                    Mediterranean  :  Akdeniz

         pension        :  pansiyon                                bungalow       :  tek katlı tahta ev / bungalov
         history         :  tarih                                  safari         :  vahşi yaşam alanına düzenlenen gezi
         island         :  ada                                     landscape       :  manzara
         trip           :  gezi                                    capital         :  başkent
         souvenir        :  hatıra                                 peninsula       :  yarımada
         beauty         :  güzellik                                ship           :  gemi
         landmark       : bir kentin sembolu haline gelen yer veya yapı   boat         :  bot

              Exercise 1       Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

                1.   I have visited the historic price / province Konya.
                2.   We need a map because I don’t know the exact building / location of the village.
                3.   It wasn’t hard to find the location / attraction thanks to Google Maps in Mykonos.
                4.   I respect all beliefs and customs, but I can’t believe the stories / sites about dragons.
                5.   I guess the natural buildings / beauties attract me most.
                6.   You can find transportation / accommodation for every budget in Antalya. I preferred a hostel.

                7.   The weather / climate was rainy all the time in Indonesia.
                8.   After they directed their rock / route to Britain, no one could find them again.

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