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P. 159


           TOURISM                                                                                VOCABULARY – 5

                                                 Noun & Adjective Phrases
                                                (İsim & Sıfat Tamlamaları)

          historical architecture  :  tarihi mimari                 cultural holiday      :  kültürel tatil

          modern architecture   :  modern mimari                    cultural wealth       :  kültürel miras
          all-inclusive hotel     :  her şey dahil otel             natural beauty        :  doğal güzellik

          bed and breakfast hotel :  sadece yatak ve kahvaltı veren otel  wild life           :  vahşi yaşam
          five-star hotel      :  5 yıldızlı otel                   tour guide            :  tur rehberi
          living history       :  yaşayan tarih                     open area             :  açık alan

          tourist attraction     :  turistik yer                    summer vacation       :  yaz tatili
          cruise holiday       :  gemi tatili                       fried fish sandwich    :  balık ekmek

          tourist destination    :  turistik yer                    boutique hotel        :  butik otel

              Exercise 1       Fill in the blanks with the Noun / Adjective Phrases below.

                                    wild life              all-inclusive hotel         tourist attractions

                                  tour guide              modern architecture          summer vacation

              1.   George : Where did you go on your __________________ ?

                  Maria  : I went to Brazil to see the Rio Carnival. It was a wonderful experience
                           for me.
              2.   We have joined a safari tour to see the __________________ and ecosystem
                  of Chobe National Park in Botswana.
              3.   We stayed at an __________________ on our last vacation.

              4.   Our __________________ informed us about the cultural wealth of the city,
                  but he didn’t give any information about the inscriptions.

              5.   I have been to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. There are so many
                  magnificent __________________. Tivoli Gardens is one of them. It is an
                  amusement park in the center of the city.

              6.   Ümit  : Have you ever been to Çanakkale?
                  Nalan  : Yes, I have. It was incredible. It doesn’t have a  ____________________,
                           but I have never seen such a splendid place.

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