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P. 18


            FRIENDSHIP                                                                              VOCABULARY – 7

                                                Noun & Adjective Phrases
                                               (İsim & Sıfat Tamlamaları)

            true friend          : gerçek arkadaş                                     concert hall      : konser alanı
            close friend         : yakın arkadaş                                      rock concert     : rak konseri
            best friend          : en iyi arkadaş                                     art exhibition  : sanat sergisi
            great buddy          : çok iyi kanka                                      book fair        : kitap fuarı
            similar interests    : benzer ilgi alanları                               sports club      : spor kulübü
            daily matters        : günlük meseleler                                   fruit juice       : meyve suyu
            bowling tournament   : bovling turnuvası                                  science exam    : fen bilimleri sınavı
            bowling alley        : bovling pisti                                      shopping mall  : alışveriş merkezi

                Exercise 1     Circle the correct options to match the halves.

                                        1. friend              2. tournament           3. interest

                                        a. true                 a. rock                 a. book
                                        b. shopping             b. bowling              b. fruit
                                        c. art                  c. true                 c. similar

                                        4. matter                5. alley              6. exhibition

                                        a. science              a. close                a. art
                                        b. daily                b. best                 b. concert
                                        c. sports               c. bowling              c. true

                Exercise 2     Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.

                  1.   Bathilda is my similar / best friend. We never argue and we always get on well with each other.

                  2.   There is a great science exam / art exhibition in the city center. Don’t miss it.
                  3.   The concert hall / alley is very big. It has a capacity of more than 1000 people.

                  4.   I like talking about daily / shopping matters with my friends.
                  5.   Sorry, but I must study for my book fair / science exam.

                  6.   True friends / Sports clubs like spending time together.

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