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P. 21


           FRIENDSHIP                                                                            VOCABULARY TEST

          For questions 1-10, choose the best option to fill     8.   I think Rebecca is unreliable. I don’t __________ her.
          in each gap.                                               A)  trust              B)  argue

                                                                     C)  buy                D) hope
          1.   Mathilda never tells lies. She is __________ .
              A)  generous          B)  honest
              C)  determined        D) jealous

                                                                 9.   We __________ with Tracy. She is my best buddy in my
          2.   Gibson never shares my secrets with anyone. He is a / an   class.
              __________ boy.
                                                                     A)  pick up            B)  get on well
              A)  arrogant          B)  sneaky
                                                                     C)  come over          D) tell lies
              C)  tactful           D) reliable

          3.   I like __________ movies because I am interested in space,
              planets and astronauts.
              A)  science-fiction   B)  comedy                   10.  Gail is not an honest girl because she usually __________ .
              C)  romance           D) action                        A)  tells the truth    B)  tells lies

                                                                     C)  keeps a secret     D) has fun
          4.   Mathilda and Nicole want to watch a film about a love story
              so they will watch a __________ movie.

              A)  thriller          B)  drama
              C)  romance           D) animation
                                                                 11.  Mindy   : What is the __________  of the event?
                                                                     Linda    : It’s on Saturday afternoon, 18  August.
          5.   Close  friends  usually  have  similar  interests so  they  like   A)  place   B)  sender
              __________ time together.
                                                                     C)  time               D) date
              A)  involving         B)  spending
              C)  watching          D) attending

          6.   Lilly :  We are going to a rock concert tomorrow. Would     12.  Helen :   Do you want a sandwich?
                    you like to __________ us?
                                                                     Gibson : No, thanks. I am __________ .
              Fred : Sure, that sounds good!
                                                                     A)  hungry             B)  stuffed
              A)  join              B)  mind
                                                                     C)  calm               D) daily
              C)  apologise         D) support

                                                                 13.  If you are interested in paintings and drawings, you should
          7.   I’m sorry, but I can’t __________ your invitation because I   visit the __________ in the city center.
              am busy.
                                                                     A)  rock concert       B)  sports club
              A)  refuse            B)  explain
                                                                     C)  bowling alley      D) art exhibition
              C)  accept            D) discuss

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