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            FRIENDSHIP                                                                             VOCABULARY TEST

           14.   I.   rock          a.   fair                      17.

                II.   book          b.   matter                                  _______?_______
                III.  daily         c.   concert
                                                                                    I. animation
                IV.   true          d.   friend
                                                                                    II. thriller
                                                                                    III. western
               Match the halves of the phrases.
                                                                                    IV. comedy
               A)  I – b / II – c / III – a / IV – d
               B)  I – c / II – d / III – a / IV – b                   What is the best title for the list above?
               C)  I – c / II – a / III – b / IV – d                   A)  Fun Activities     B)  Types of Movie
               D) I – a / II – b / III – d / IV – c                    C)  Personality Traits   D) Daily Matters

           15.                                                     18.       I.                   II.
                     I.         II.         III.        IV.

                   thriller  see a play  great buddy  mean

                  bowling     eat out                  snob                    have a picnic        meet friends
                                                                             III.                 IV.
                  science-   play sports  best friend  selfish

                   drama     fruit juice  close friend  busy
                                                                                 see a play       visit grandparents
               There is an ODD word / phrase in each category.         Which pair is WRONG?
               Which of the following shows these words / phrases?     A)  I      B)  II      C)  III    D) IV
               A)  bowling / eat out / great buddy / snob

               B)  thriller / play sports / great buddy / mean     19.  Reece is a great mate. He is helpful, kind, selfish and
               C)  drama / eat out / close friend / selfish                                           I        II         III
               D) bowling / fruit juice / meet friends / busy

           16.  Tracy enjoys making sculptures, going cycling and skating.   Which of the following is ODD in the sentence above?
               Which of the following DOES NOT show one of Tracy’s     A)  I      B)  II      C)  III    D) IV
               A)                     B)
                                                                   20.    I.  shopping      mall
                                                                        II.  concert          hall
                                                                        III.  bowling         tournament

                                                                         IV.  rock                 alley
               C)                     D)
                                                                       Which pair is WRONG?
                                                                       A)  I      B)  II      C)  III    D) IV

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