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P. 225


           NATURAL FORCES                                                                     GRAMMAR & DIALOGUE TEST

          1-7  :  For  these  questions,  choose  the  best  option   8-20 : For these questions, fill in the blanks with the
          according to the passage.                              correct options.

               In today’s world, pollution has become very normal
               (1) ___________ everybody throws away their trash to   8.   Angelina  :  Do you think there will be more landslides
               the environment without thinking.  (2) ___________                 in the future?
               people have started to find it normal. But most people   Leonardo  :  No, I don’t. Because ___________ .
               don’t realize that the world is our home. In the future,
                                                                     A)  we will take precautions for them
               the next generations will (3) ___________ it. (4)
               ___________  they (5) ___________ have a beautiful    B)  people will give harm to the nature
               nature to live. Factories don’t care if the world is   C)  we won’t protect the world
               polluted or not. They release heat-trapping gases to   D) people don’t care about the nature
               the atmosphere. But in the future, the next generations
               (6) ___________ care when they can’t take a breath
               properly. To me, we should shoulder responsibilities
               immediately (7)___________, we won’t have a world   9.   Most of the animal and plant species will ___________
                                                                     extinct in the future.
               to live in.
                                                                     A)  became             B)  become
                                                                     C)  becoming           D) be become
          1.   A) because        B) moreover
              C) so              D) otherwise

                                                                 10.  The planet is heating up fast ___________ we should
          2.   A) If             B) Otherwise                        shoulder responsibilities immediately.
              C) Because         D) So
                                                                     A)  so                 B)  but
                                                                     C)  because            D) otherwise
          3.   A) realized       B) realizing
              C) realize         D) realizes

          4.   A) So             B) Otherwise                    11.  Yasin   :  In your opinion,  ___________  the natural
              C) As a result     D) Because                                     sources ___________ one day?
                                                                     Mesut  :  I think, they won’t. Because we will start using
                                                                                renewable energy resources.
          5.   A) is             B) are
              C) won’t           D) will be                          A)  will / runs out    B)  are / run out
                                                                     C)  won’t / running out   D) will / run out

          6.   A) are            B) will
              C) is              D) have
                                                                 12.  According to the scientists a tsunami ___________ hit the
                                                                     country after this earthquake. ___________ we should
          7.   A) otherwise      B) and                              take precautions for it.
              C) but             D) so                               A)  will / Because     B)  won’t / So
                                                                     C)  will / So          D) won’t / Because

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