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           TEEN LIFE                                                                             NEW GENERATION TEST

          6.   A teacher wants her students to complete a questionnaire about their free-time activities. Here are the results:

                                                The stars show the frequency of each activity
                                          Matt               Thomas               Nelson                Zach

                   watch films           ★ ★ ★                                     ★ ★                   ★
                    see a play             ★ ★               ★ ★ ★ ★                ★                  ★ ★ ★
                 chat with friends          ★                  ★ ★               ★ ★ ★ ★                 ★

                 play online games         ★ ★                ★ ★ ★                                   ★ ★ ★ ★

              Which of the following is CORRECT according to the table above?
              A)  Thomas usually goes to the theater in his free time.    B)  Matt rarely watches movies.
              C)  Zach always chats with his friends.      D) Nelson and Matt never play online games.

          7.                                  What do you think about rock music?

                                                                           I never l sten           I never go to
                         I th nk  t  s           I am fond of  t.           to  t. I can't           rock mus c
                        unbearable.              It’s  ncred ble.
                                                                              stand  t.              concerts.

                         Mart n                   Teresa                  Bel nda                    Angela
              According to the information above, who enjoys rock music?

              A)  Martin            B)  Teresa             C)  Belinda            D) Angela

          8.   Emma and Ron want to do an activity together, but they can’t decide. Here are their interests.

                                        sculptures                                 draw ngs

                                Emma’s                                                        Ron’s
                               Interests    board games                        concerts      Interests

                                          books                                     plays

              According to the information above, where should they go?
              A)                        B)                        C)                        D)

   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68