Page 89 - 8meta_ing
P. 89


           ON THE PHONE                                                                           VOCABULARY – 1


            hear     :  duymak                                       contact  :  iletişim kurmak
            repeat    :  tekrarlamak                                 reserve   :  ayırtmak (yer vb.)
            speak    :  konuşmak                                     provide  :  sağlamak
            study    :  çalışmak (ders)                              change   :  değiştirmek
            call     :  aramak (telefon)                             carry    :  taşımak
            wonder   :  merak etmek                                  disturb   :  rahatsız etmek
            connect   :  bağlanmak                                   decide    :  karar vermek
            contact   :  temas kurmak                                solve    :  çözmek
            invite    :  davet etmek                                 express  :  açıklamak
            ring     :  çalmak (telefon)                             press    :  basmak (tuş)
            receive   :  almak                                       book     :  ayırtmak (yer vb.)
            leave    :  bırakmak, ayrılmak                           introduce :  tanıtmak
            join     :  katılmak                                     accept    :  kabul etmek
            water    :  sulamak                                      approve  :  onaylamak
            need     :  ihtiyaç duymak                               evolve    :  evrilmek
            try      :  denemek                                      notice    :  farketmek
            answer   :  cevaplamak                                   seem     :  görünmek

              Exercise 1     Fill in the blanks with the words below.

                                  hear                 contact               disturb              connect

                                  leave                 join                 speak                  call

                1.   I can’t __________ you. Can you repeat, please?
                2.   It’s a bad line. Please, __________ louder.

                3.   We are having a birthday party tomorrow. Would you like to __________ ?
                4.   If you have a problem, __________ with us any time you need.

                5.   How often do you __________ to the Internet?
                6.   When you are in a library, don’t __________ others.

                7.   Jason is busy now. Would you like to __________ a message?
                8.   Could you tell him to __________ me back?

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