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P. 92


             ON THE PHONE                                                                           VOCABULARY – 3



                embarrassed : utanmış, mahcup              latest      : en son
                surprised    : şaşkın                      easy        : kolay, basit
                crazy       : çılgın                       expensive    : pahalı
                happy       : mutlu                        polite      : kibar, nazik
                smart       : zeki                         local       : yerel
                sleepy      : uykulu                       homeless    : evsiz
                bored       : sıkılmış                     important   : önemli                    I’m not available!
                angry       : kızgın                       possible    : mümkün                     Don’t call back!
                scared      : korkmuş                      useful      : faydalı
                cool        : havalı                       sure        : emin
                lovely      : sevimli, hoş                 loud        : yüksek sesli
                generous    : cömert                       harmful     : zararlı
                afraid      : korkmuş                      available    : müsait
                engaged     : meşgul

               Exercise 1     Fill in the blanks with the words below.

                       easy       polite     available     sure       harmful     engaged      bored       afraid

                1.   I’m _________ he isn’t at home now.
                2.   Charles isn’t _________ at the moment. Leave a message to him.
                3.   I try to contact him, but the line is _________.
                4.   Gail feels _________ when she watches western movies. She thinks they are ridiculous.
                5.   It is very _________ to connect to the Internet with new smartphones.
                6.   Eleanor is a _________ girl. She always says please when she asks for something.
                7.   Using technological devices too much is _________ for your brain.
                8.   I’m _________ he has my number, but he never calls.

                Exercise 2     Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

                1.   Don’t feel happy / embarrassed. It is very normal to make mistakes.
                2.   Your phone seems very expensive / local. How much does it cost you?

                3.   Tahani is a scared / lovely girl. Everybody likes her.
                4.   I have to go because my teacher is calling. It must be important / smart.
                5.   We wait for your response as soon as useful / possible.

                6.   It’s a bad line. Could you speak louder / cooler, please?

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