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           ON THE PHONE                                                                           VOCABULARY – 2

                                                      Verb Phrases

          hang on          : hatta kalmak                 dial a number         : bir numara çevirmek
          hold on          : hatta beklemek               break into            : zorla girmek(ev vb.)

          get back         : dönmek, geri aramak          calm down             : sakin olmak
          hang up          : telefonu kapatmak            get in touch          : iletişime geçmek

          hold on a minute  : bir dakika beklemek         keep in touch         : iletişimde kalmak
          leave a message   : mesaj bırakmak              get information       : bilgi almak

          call back        : geri aramak                  get help              : yardım almak
          go out           : dışarı çıkmak                ask for               : rica etmek

          meet up          : buluşmak                     put someone through  : birini bağlamak
          take care        : dikkat etmek                 go on                 : devam etmek

              Exercise 1     Match the halves of the phrases

               1.   go               care
               2.   take             up

               3.   meet             on
               4.   keep             into

               5.   break             a number
               6.   dial             down

               7.   hang             on
               8.   calm              in touch

               Exercise 2    Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

               1.   Can you hang on / ask for a moment, please? I’ll get back.
               2.   Mr. Hyman is busy now. Would you like to leave a message / get in touch?

               3.   Linda isn’t available at the moment. She will get help / get back to you as soon as possible.
               4.   Hold on a minute, please. I will put you through / call you back to headmaster.

               5.   You should call the call center to go on /get information.

               6.   Hold on a minute / Dial a number, please. I will note a memo.

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