Page 21 - 5mod_ing
P. 21

TEST   My Town
                   Vocabulary Test

             1 – 7 : For these questions, choose the best options   4.   Merlin  :  Excuse me, where is the train _______ ?
             to fill in the blanks.                           Harry  :  It is opposite the pool.
          1.   Grace  :  How can I _______ to the library?
                                                              A)  mall                  B)  center
              Melda  :  Take the second right. It is on your left.
                                                              C)  station               D) shop
              A)  get                  B)  turn
              C)  match                D) tell

                                                          5.   Iris  :  Is there a supermarket near here?
                                                              Joe  :   Yes. Go straight ahead. _______ left. It is
                                                                     on your right.
          2.                                                  A)  Visit                 B)  Go
                                                              C)  Turn                  D) Get


              The car is in front of the _______ .
              A)  pharmacy             B)  museum
              C)  mosque               D) school

                                                              Drake is at the _______ now.

                                                              A)  shop                  B)  bus stop
          3.                                                  C)  pharmacy              D) barber’s

                                                          7.   Nancy  :  Where is Terry?
                                                              Maria  :   He is at the _________ . He is
              The cinema is _______ the bakery.                         swimming.
              A)  under                B)  between            A)  shop                  B)  pool

              C)  in front of          D) near
                                                              C)  zoo                   D) butcher’s
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