Page 22 - 5mod_ing
P. 22

TEST    My Town
                     Vocabulary Test

           8.   Which picture-word pair is WRONG?           12.
                A)                  B)
                                                                               I.  stationery store
                                                                              II.  cinema
                                                                              III.  library
                     pharmacy            post o ce
                                                                              IV.  theatre
                C)                  D)
                                                                Choose the best title for the list above.
                                                                A)  School Lessons

                                                                B)  Secret Places
                       zoo                toyshop               C)  Shoe Shops
                                                                D) Places in a Town
           9.    I.  police             medicine
                II.  shopping           mall                13.
                III.  shoe              shop
                 IV.  bus               stop
               Which pair is WRONG?                              The library is _________
                                                                 the school and café.
               A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV

                                                                                   The cinema is _________
                                                                                  the shopping mall.

                                        3                       The dog is _________
                                                                the table.

                                                                                    The police station is
               Which of the following DOES NOT complete the                         _________ the hospital.
                                                                Which of the following DOES NOT fill in a blank?
               A)  circus                B)  hospital
                                                                A)  on                   B)  next to
               C)  café                  D) playground
                                                                C)  between              D) in front of
           11.  Emma  :   Excuse, me.  How can I  go to the
                                                            14.    I.  castle
               Martin  :   Go straight left. Take the first right. It is
                         opposite the restaurant.                II.  palace
               The underlined word is ODD.  Which of the          III.  tower
               following can we replace with it?                  IV.  road

               A)  near                  B)  ahead              Which one is ODD on the list above?
               C)  behind                D) street              A)  I      B)  II      C)  III    D) IV

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