Page 25 - 5mod_ing
P. 25

TEST   My Town
                   New Generation Questions

          6.   The map below shows Jessie’s neighbourhood. She wants to go to the shoe shop.

                                  Bus Stop             Barber’s              School


                                 Post O ce               Zoo               Shoe Shop

                                  Cinema               Library              Theatre

                                          Jessie is here.

              Angela  :  Go past the zoo. Turn right. It is on your left.

              Helen  :  Go straight ahead. Take the first right. Turn left. It is on your right.
              Albert  :  Take the second right. It is on your left.
              Nathan :  Go straight ahead. Take the second right. It is on your right.
               Who gives the correct direction?

              A)  Angela            B)  Helen              C)  Albert             D) Nathan

          7.   ➥  You can see doctors there.

               ➥  You can buy some toys there.
               ➥  You can play games there.
               ➥  You can see a movie there.

              Which of the following DOES NOT match with one of the sentences above?
              A)                    B)                     C)                     D)

          8.   Lilly :  ____________ ?
              Ali  :  Go straight ahead. Take the first right. Go past the pool. It is next to the library.

              Lilly :  Thanks.
              Which of the following completes the dialogue?
              A)  Excuse me, where is the train station    B)  Where are you now
              C)  Are you in front of the hospital         D) How can I get to the supermarket

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