Page 25 - 8ing_dnm
P. 25

                              I  meet  my  friends  every    I usually send text messages
                              Saturday.  We have lots of     to contact my friends. They
                              fun activities together.       are cheap and fun.

                                               How do you keep
                                               in touch with your

                         Maggie                                                     William

                               I use social networks to get    I talk to my friends on the
                               in touch with my friends        phone every day.
                               every day.

                        Peggy                                                         Thomas

              Who prefers face-to-face communication?

              A)  Maggie            B)  William            C)  Peggy              D) Thomas

          5.   Answer the question according to the table below.

                                   Personality      Kate     Robin     Tracy     Jack
                                    honest                                      
                                  bad-tempered                          
                                     tactful        
                                    sneaky                    
                                     mean                                       
                                    generous                           
              Which of the following IS NOT true according to the table?                                   SARMAL DENEME 6

              A)  Kate doesn’t like telling lies.                             B)  Robin is a reliable person.
              C)  Tracy gets angry easily.                                    D) Jack doesn’t like sharing.

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