Page 22 - 8ing_dnm
P. 22

7.                                               9.      Sarah’s Internet Habits
                               Ways of communication were
                Rose           very different long time ago. For    online shopping
                               example, American Indians used
                               smoke signals to communicate.        online games
                                                                    read newspapers
                Kevin          I think the invention of the
                               telegraph was very important in      send emails
                               the history of communication.
                                                                    follow online courses
                               People used messenger birds
                               to spread information. I think               like                  love
                               this was an amazing way of
                                                                            dislike               hate
                Tony           In my opinion, the invention of the   Which of the following options is  TRUE
                               printing press was very important
                               because people started to spread   according to the chart above?
                               information and news in an
                               effective way.                   A)  She loves buying things online.
                                                                B)  She usually goes online to play games.
               Which  picture  is  related  to the  way  of
               communication that Rose talks about?             C)  She enjoys learning new things on the Internet.
                                                                D) Sending emails is her favourite Internet activity.
                A)                   B)

                C)                   D)



                         I think the Internet makes my life easier.
                         I go online for two or three hours
                         every day. I search for information, pay   Matilda:   Hello! Can I speak to Ruth, please?
                         the bills, follow social media and make   Robin  :   Who is calling?
                         travel arrangements on the Internet.
                         I also  visit some useful  websites to   Matilda:   I’m Matilda. I’m her classmate.
                         practise my Spanish.                   Robin  :   Excuse me? ___________ . Can you
                                                                          repeat, please?

                   Gary                                         Matilda:   I’m Ruth’s classmate. I need to talk to
               According to the text, Gary _____________ .      Which of the following options completes the

                                                                          her about our school project.
        SARMAL DENEME 5  sentence.                              conversation?
               Choose the best option to complete the
                                                                A)  I’ll put you through
               A)  buys clothes on the Internet
               B)  doesn’t have different Internet habits

                                                                C)  Pick up the phone
               C)  never uses social networking sites           B)  I’ll connect you
               D) goes online for different reasons             D) It’s a bad line

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