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P. 153

TOURISM | UNIT-7                                                        TEST – 1

          1.   Which picture-word pair is CORRECT?        5.
              A)                  B)

                                                                    exper ence      I    transportat on

                                                                                                             VOCABULARY TEST

                      castle             palace                                              II
              C)                  D)

                                                                    recreat on  III      accommodat on

                      resort             square               Which word is ODD on the visual?

                                                              A) I        B) II      C) III     D) IV
          2.   Lara : Have you bought any ______ from Urfa?
                Tara : Yes, I have. I bought a silk scarf.
              Choose the CORRECT option to complete the gap.
                                                         OMAGE 6.     ______: bus, plane, train, ship, car, bike
              A)  mummies              B)  souvenirs            ______: a castle, mosque, palace, lake, museum
              C)  trips                D) statues               ______: all-inclusive resort, hotel, pension

          3.   Chinese emperors constructed the Grand Canal in   Which of the following words DOES NOT have
              486 B.C. and it is the longest and one of the oldest
              artificial waterways in the world.              A) location               B) attraction

              Which of the following words is the SYNONYM     C) accommodation          D) transportation
              of the underlined word?
              A) built                 B) located

              C) traveled              D) took
                                                                          I’m a world-traveller. I have been to
          4.                                                              many countr es  n my l fe. My last
                                                                           dest nat on was Phuket Island. I
                                                                           travelled there by plane. It was a
                             I prefer anc ent s tes. I th nk             very long journey for me. I stayed at
                             they are ______.
                                                                          a n ce bungalow near the sea. The
                                                                 Mon ca   v ew was amaz ng. I tasted some
                                                                           local d shes. They were splend d.
              Which option IS NOT suitable to complete the    Which of the following topics DOES NOT
              sentence?                                       Monica mention in the text?
              A)  fascinating          B)  incredible         A)  Transportation        B)  Climate
              C)  attractive           D) disappointing       C)  Accommodation         D) Traditional Food

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