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TEEN LIFE | UNIT-2                                                      TEST – 1

          1.      SANDRA'S ROUTINE ON WEEKDAYS            4.                                   A
                            at about 7
               getting up                 every day              Helvetica  9   B  I  U
               going to an   at 4 p.m.    on Monday and          Hi! I’m Carol. I’m crazy about nature and
               English course             Tuesday                animals. So, I go camping with my two
               doing some                                        friends twice a month. There are lots of
               exercise at the   at 3.30 p.m.  on Wednesday      things to do in a camp area. We share
               gym                                               our  duties  before  we a rrive  there. I
               walking around             on Monday and          always  pitch  the  tents  while  Edward
               the city and   at 6 o’clock  Tuesday              makes a re. Albert makes great dishes
               taking photos                                     for  us.  We  enjoy  the  nature  and  get
               having                                            fresh air.
               dinner with   at 8 o’clock  on Thursday
              According to the table, Sandra _____.           According to the text, which of the following is
              A)  attends a language course in the evening twice a
                month                                         A)  Carol and her friends go camping every week.
              B)  always spends her time with her relatives after   B)  They don’t support each other in a camp area.  SKILLS TEST
                                                              C)  They sometimes stay at a hotel in cold weather.
              C)  takes photos of the city after she leaves her English
                course                                        D) Spending time in nature is wonderful for Carol.
              D) never cares about her body and goes to the gym  5.
          2.   Suppose that you are reading a fantasy book
               in the classroom. One of your friends sees
               and asks your opinion about it. You want your                    Dorothy      Jack  Jack
               friend to read it because you really enjoy it.   OMAGE  Going trekking  FUN   TIRING
              What do you say to your friend?                    Doing yoga    RELAXING   INTERESTING
              A)  I highly recommend you to read it.               Archery      BORING    RIDICULOUS

              B)  Actually, I prefer other book types.
                                                              Which of the following is WRONG according to
              C)  I read about one hundred pages every day.   the table above?
              D) The writer of this book is famous around the world.  A)  Both Dorothy and Jack are fond of doing yoga.
                                                              B)  Jack doesn’t have a good time when he goes

          3.   Tom                                              trekking.
                        What kind of music    Sophie          C)  Dorothy prefers going trekking to archery.
                        do you like listening?
                                                              D) Dorothy isn’t keen on archery, but Jack is.
                       I’m fond of rock music.
                       How about you?
                                                          6.    I.  Of course. In my opinion, they are fascinating.
                 I enjoy listening to rap music.
                 I never  listen to rock music                 II.  Really? Which one do you like most?
                 because I think  it’s unbearable.              III.  Do you follow after school activities?
                       _____ I f ind rock music impressive.     IV.  I enjoy all of them, but karate is my favorite.
                       You should def  nitely listen to it.
                                                              Which of the following is the CORRECT order of
              Which of the following completes the gap best?  the dialogue?

              A)  Are you kidding?   B)  What’s up?           A)  IV-II-I-III           B)  III-I-II-IV
              C)  I am afraid I can’t.   D) I’m busy then.    C)  III-I-IV-II           D) III-II-I-IV

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