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P. 37

TEEN LIFE | UNIT-2                                                      TEST – 2

          1.    I.  I always keep up with the latest fashion.
                                                            Answer the questions 4-6 according to the text
               II.  I feel better and more energetic when I do it.

              III.  Not much. I prefer wearing casual clothes.   I’m  Bob.  I’m  a  teenager.  As  a  teenager,  I  and  my
                 What about you?                           friends have an energetic life. I follow many after
              IV.  Hey, Olivia! Do you follow the fashion?  school activities such as karate and soccer because
                                                           keeping fit is really important for me. My close friend,
                V.  Really? Why is it so important for you?  Smith, is keen on culture and traditions. He usually
              Which of the following is the CORRECT order of   visits museums and reads books about them. On
              the dialogue?                                the other hand, Emily prefers taking photos of
                                                           people, animals and buildings. She says taking a
              A)  IV-III-I-II-V      B)  IV-III-I-V-II
                                                           photo attracts her much more than everything. We
              C)  IV-III-V-I-II      D) III-IV-V-II-I      spend our days with these activities and enjoy the
          2.                                               life. We are teens!
                       BOB’S WEEKDAY ROUTINE
                MON     TUE     WED     THU     FRI
               Helping   Watching   Having   Shopping   Taking                                               SKILLS TEST
               parents   a movie   basketball   with   tennis
                in the   at home  training  friends  classes
              Bob _____.                                  4.   The text is mainly about _____.

              Complete the gap with the CORRECT sentence.     A)  the relationship between teens
              A)  does some sport activities once a day       B)  different interests of teens

              B)  helps his mum and dad on the last day of the week  OMAGE  C)  problems of being a teen
              C)  sees a film at home before basketball training  D) importance of friendship
              D) prefers going to a shopping centre alone

                         How often do you
                         attend language
                         courses?                         5.   Which one is TRUE according to the text?

                           I only take English                A)  Teens always attend the same kind of activities.
                           courses three times
                           a week.                            B)  Doing exercise has a big role in Bob’s daily life.
                                                              C)  Emily enjoys taking photos of only old buildings.
                                                              D) Smith is fond of learning something on the Internet.
                             I pay about $55
                             per month.
              Charlie                         Ethan
              Which of the following completes the gap
              CORRECTLY?                                  6.   When you are a teen, you  ______.
              A)  Where do you take these classes             A)  try to do your best to enjoy the time
                                                              B)  often miss a lot of opportunities
              B)  How much do you pay for them
                                                              C)  have an ordinary and boring life forever
              C)  Who do you go there with
              D) What activities do you do there              D) cannot find something interesting for yourself

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