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P. 38

7.                                               10.

                                                 Liam                •
                    Boys!  I  have  a  plan  to  go  camping  at  the   take basic equipment such as a
                    weekend. Would you like to come with me?           tent, torch and sleeping bag.
                                                                      •  love staying in the wild.
                                                                      •  know how to pitch a tent.
                    I think staying in a tent for a night makes me   •  make a camp f ire and roast
                    ill.                                               marshmallows for dessert.
                                                                     •  never leave the camping area
                                               Charles                 dirty.
                    Amazing!  I’m  starting  to  prepare  my

                    I’d love to, but I have to join my online courses
                                                                Which option is TRUE about real campers?
                                                 Herry          A)  They sometimes need help to pitch a tent.
                    I’ll  absolutely  be  with  you  at  the  weekend.
                    Great activity!                             B)  They usually forget about basic equipment.
                                                                C)  They always clean the camping place before leaving.
                                                                D) They are afraid of staying in nature at nights.
               According to the messages above, who dislikes
               A)  John    B)  Charles   C)  Thomas   D) Harry

           8.   I usually help my mum in the kitchen because
               _____.                                       11.                                  A
               Choose the CORRECT option to complete the gap.       Helvetica  9   B  I  U
                                                                  To: Ava
               A)  she owes her success to hard work              Subject: Pen friend
               B)  she respects the elderly people at buses       Hi, Ava!
                                                                  I’m Charlotte from Turkey. I’m happy to have a
               C)  I think saving money is great for my family
                                                                  pen friend from another country. I get up early
               D) she gets really tired after a long working day  everyday  and  run  for  about  one  hour  in  the
                                                                  mornings.  Because  I  am  a  player  of  school
                                                                  volleyball team. Then, I have a shower and have
                                                                  breakfast  with  my  parents.  I  always  read  the
                                                                  newspapers online before going to school. After
           9.                  JACOB  MARIA  JOE  JENNIFER        that, my dad drives me to my school. This is my
                Going to a play                               morning routine. Please write me ASAP!

                Surfing the Internet                                                              Charlotte
                Playing soccer                   
                                                                Which option is CORRECT according to the
               Which of the following is WRONG according to     email?
               the table above?
                                                                A)  Ava and Charlotte sometimes meet face to face.
               A)  Joe prefers going to a play to surfing the Internet.
                                                                B)  Charlotte runs for one hour after breakfast.
               B)  Maria and Jennifer think going to a play is exciting.
                                                                C)  The email is about Charlotte’s evening actions.
               C)  Jacob prefers playing soccer and surfing the Internet.
                                                                D) Charlotte’s dad takes her to school by car.
               D) Joe and Jacob are interested in playing soccer.

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