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P. 17

7.                                              8.

              Secretary  :  Hot Spot Hotel! How may I help you?
              Rick      :  Hello, I’d like to reserve a room for
                         next Friday, please?

              Secretary  :  Sure. Can I take your name, please?
                                                              Pros of Smartphones
              Rick      :   Rick Smith.
                                                              (I)  Millions  of  people  use smartphones in  the
              Secretary  :  Thank you, Mr Smith. How many     world because they are very important for
                         people is the room for?              communication. (II) They are fast and easy to get
                                                              in  touch  with  people  and  they  are  essential  for
              Rick      :   For two, please.
                                                              emergency situations as well. (III)  They are too
              Secretary  :  How many nights would you like to   expensive to buy. (IV) People can easily connect to
                         stay?                                the Internet via their smartphones.
              Rick      :  For one week.                      Which sentence is ODD in the text?
              Secretary  :  Sure. Could you hold the line, please?   A) I   B) II    C) III     D) IV
                         I’ll check for you.
              (1 minute later)
              Secretary  :  Okay. I’ve reserved your room.

              Rick      :   Thank you very much. How much do
                         I need to pay?

              Secretary  :  £1560, please. You can pay when you
                         arrive at the hotel. Have a nice day.
              Rick ____________________ .

              Choose the correct option to complete the

              A) is the receiver of the telephone call
              B) wants to have an appointment to see his doctor
              C) has a face-to-face conversation with the secretary
              D) doesn’t need to make the payment over the phone

                                                                                                           GENEL DENEME 4

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