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P. 195


           SCIENCE                                                                                VOCABULARY – 1

                                    Inventions and Discoveries (İcatlar ve Buluşlar)

            well-equipped computer  :  donanımlı bilgisayar        radio                    :  radyo
            Havan ball gun         :  Havan topu silahı            dishwasher               :  bulaşık makinesi
            rabies vaccine         :  kuduz aşısı                  tyre                     :  tekerlek
            catgut                 :  ameliyet ipliği              Blissymbol Printer       :  dokunmatik baskı
            smallpox vaccination   :  çiçek aşısı                  laser                    :  lazer
            compass                :  pusula                       wheel chair              :  tekerlekli sandalye
            printing press         :  baskı makinesi               global positioning system  :  evrensel konum sistemi
            steam engine           :  buhar makinesi               solar gravity            :  güneş yerçekimi
            wearable heart chip    :  giyilebilir kalp çipi        gravity                  :  yer çekimi
            car                    :  araba                        microbe                  :  mikrop
            smartphone             :  akıllı telefon               cell                     :  hücre

              Exercise 1     Write the names of the inventions under the correct pictures.

                                  cell               wheel cha r     steam eng ne          tyre

                                 catgut           vacc nat on         compass          smartphone

                   1.                       2.                       3.                       4.

                     ______________           ______________            ______________           ______________

                   5.                       6.                       7.                       8.

                     ______________           ______________            ______________           ______________

               Exercise 2    Find the missing letters.

                 1   D ...  ...  ...  ...  A  ...  ...  E  ...  4  R  A  ...  ...  O

                 2  G   R  ...  V  ...  Y ...  Y         5  R  ...  B  ...  E  ...        V  ...  C  ...  I  ...  E

                 3  ...  I  ...  R  ...  B  E            6  ...  R  ...  ...  T  ...  ...  ...   P  ...  E  ...  S

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