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P. 196


             SCIENCE                                                                                VOCABULARY – 2

                                                     Adjectives (Sıfatlar)

           new      :  yeni              private        :  özel                          healthy    :  sağlıklı
           first    :  ilk               well-equipped  :  donanımlı                     daily      :  günlük
           wearable  :  giyilebilir      various        :  çeşitli                       high-tech   :  ileri teknoloji
           scientific  :  bilimsel       written        :  yazılı                        brilliant    :  muhteşem, zeki
           common  :  ortak              medical        :  tıbbi                         electronic   :  elektronik
           past     :  geçmiş            ground-breaking :  çığır açan                   living     :  yaşayan, canlı
           important:  önemli            honorary       :  onursal                       renowned   :  ünlü
           possible  :  mümkün           genius         :  dahi, zeki                    well-known  :  ünlü
           successful :  başarılı        portable       :  seyyar, taşınabilir           famous     :  ünlü
           rich     :  zengin            eco-friendly    :  çevre dostu                  mental     :  zihinsel
           poor     :  fakir             known          :  bilinen                       useful     :  kullanışlı, faydalı
           angry    :  kızgın, sinirli   sweet          :  tatlı                         paraplegic  :  belden aşağısı felçli
           physical  :  fiziksel         special        :  özel

                Exercise 1     Circle the correct option in each sentence.

                 1.   The compass is an important invention. It is the living / first version of the GPS.
                 2.   Aziz Sancar is a renowned / various scientist. He is known all over the world.
                 3.   Inventions and discoveries provide us a more useful / sweet life. Lots of inventions are so practical.
                 4.   We need honorary / high-tech devices like computers in every part of our life.
                 5.   Efe İnan invented a wheel chair moves with mental / portable capacity. Paraplegic people can use it just by thinking.
                 6.   During the ages, genius / famous people changed the world by using their minds. They were clever and brilliant, but
                     some of them weren’t well-known people.
                 7.   Discovering the microbe and invention of some vaccines were great renowned / scientific achievements.
                 8.   Thanks to the invention of Covid-19 vaccine, we are important / healthy now.

                Exercise 2     Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

                  eco-friendly          living  successful  possible  common       portable      daily     renowned

                1.   Before the invention of the telescope, it was impossible to discover the new planets. However, it is ___________ to
                     observe the planets and orbits.
                2.   The government should support ___________ inventions because we need to protect the environment.
                3.   Cells are the smallest units of ___________ structures. When you die, they will die.

                4.   We use lots of old inventions in our ___________ life. For example, dishwasher, radio and the telephone.
                5.   Most of the high-tech devices are ___________ . You can take them wherever you want with you.
                6.   Einstein was a ___________ scientist. He got lots of prizes. The most important prize he got was the Nobel Prize.
                7.   Uğur Şahin is a ___________ scientist. He is known all over the world thanks to his Covid-19 vaccine.
                8.   Studying hard is the ___________ feature of successful people. All of them give their everything to learn and practice.

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