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           SCIENCE                                                                                VOCABULARY – 4

                              Noun & Adjective Phrases (İsim Sıfat Tamlamaları)

         rabies vaccine         :  kuduz aşısı                    gravity of the matter   :  yer çekimi kanunu
         law of gravity         :  yer çekimi kanunu              high-tech device        :  ileri teknoloji cihaz
         smallpox vaccination   :  çiçek aşısı                    solar gravity          :  güneş çekimi
         printing press         :  baskı makinesi                 daily life             :  günlük hayat
         navigation system     :  navigasyon sistemi              species of plants        :  bitki türleri
         molecular biologist     :  moleküler biyolog             chemical substance     :  kimyasal madde
         skin cancer           :  cilt kanseri                    medical purpose        :  tıbbi amaç
         excavation area        :  kazı alanı                     scientific action        :  bilimsel çalışma
         scientific research     :  bilimsel araştırma            science magazine      :  bilim dergisi
         common feature        :  ortak özellik                   sound system         :  ses sistemi
         lab safety            :  laboratuvar güvenliği           walking stick         :  baston
         test tube             :  deney tüpü                      science project        :  bilim projesi
         scientific achievements  :  bilimsel başarılar           living structures        :  canlı yapılar
         water screw           :  Arşimet burgusu                 experiment result     :  deney sonucu

              Exercise 1       Match the halves of the phrases.
                             1.           lab                                   gravity
                             2.          solar                                   cancer

                             3.          water                                  purpose
                             4.         medical                                  safety

                             5.       experiment                                 action
                             6.        scientific                                area

                             7.        excavation                                result

                             8.          skin                                    screw

               Exercise 2    Match the definitions with the phrases.

                          1.  pr nt ng press                     a. outcome of a test

                          2.  rab es vacc ne                     b. a mach ne that pr nts books, newspapers, or magaz nes
                          3.  sk n cancer                        c. a vacc nat on made  n earl er ages

                          4.  exper ment result                  d. matter used by chem sts

                          5.  chem cal substance                 e. exper ment bottle

                          6.  test tube                          f. a d sease

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